Currently Out Of Stock! For a bare bones system I would recommend it to anyone. Good Value and Great performance I must say I was initially uneasy about buying a low cost mother board. Remove a blanking plate from the system case corresponding to the slot you are going to use. Page 20 Chapter 2:
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Motherboard Installation Install the Motherboard Install the motherboard in a system chassis case. I Don't own one of these boards, but had to respond to previous review in hopes s he comes back here.

We do our best ataa update store pricing and inventory amounts as they change. Thank you for signing up! Get ALL of it off the top of the heatsink!!!

I understand and agree to the terms above and am in full knowledge of the product I am purchasing.

Annoying but still worth the money overall. To print the manual completely, please, download it.

The board is a Micro ATX size motherboard. Coupons are subject to change motheerboard notice. The transit time will vary by delivery address and our chosen ship method. Currently Out Of Stock! All that aside, I was able get the system up and running, and drawing less power 56 watts, total system than with a different motherboard.

The Exit button closes the Auto Setup window. Currently Out Of Stock!

Integrated Peripherals This page sets up some parameters for peripheral devices connected to the system. The transit time will vary by delivery address and our chosen ship method.

ECS P17G/1333 Series User Manual

View our privacy policy. Remove a slot cover from one of the expansion slots on the system chassis. I just kinda drizzled it like icing on a cake on top of the heatsin. While consistent with other manufacturers, it would be nice if PCChips included more comprehensive information on setting up this board. Install The Motherboard Chapter 2: Coupons are subject to change without notice.


I have built many computer systems and have run into problems with low quality products. Carburetor cleaner motehrboard do it. Page 32 Chapter 3: View a sample email. Don't take this motherboard and components out of their original static.

You can use the sub menu to change the supervisor password. Don't show me this message again. Sign Up Today Do you love tech deals? Write your own review. If the password has been installed, Mothefboard displays.

Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Back to Search Results.
